SRIJEDA 6. studenoga 2024. / WEDNESDAY, November 6th 2024
12,00 – 14,00
Registracija sudionika / Registration of participants
Dvorana / Hall: Magnolia
14,00 – 15,30
RADIONICA I – Senzorika maslinovog ulja
Dr. sc. Karolina Brkić Bubola
15,30 – 17,00
RADIONICA II – Procesni faktori u analitici pesticida i procjena sigurnosti
Doc. dr. sc. Iva Pavlinić Prokurica
Dr. sc. Gordana Jurak, dipl. ing.
17,15 – 19,00
RADIONICA III – Senzorika meda
Izv. prof. dr. sc. Dražen Lušić, dipl. sanit. ing.
Piće dobrodošlice/Welcome drink
ČETVRTAK 7. studenoga 2024. / THURSDAY, November 7th 2024
8,00 – 9,00
Registracija sudionika / Registration of participants
Dvorana / Hall: Magnolia
11,00 – 11,30
Svečano otvaranje kongresa / Opening ceremony
11,30 – 11,40
Izjave za medije / Statements for the media
11,40 – 12,00
Pauza za kavu / Coffee break
Food Safety and Food Quality, “Safe Food, Today and Tomorrow”
Moderators: Irena Žuntar, David Matthew Smith, Adela Krivohlavek
Pozvana predavanja / Invited lectures
12,00 – 12,30
Food safety in Europe and Central Asia – FAO role and support
Mary Kenny, Organizacija za hranu i poljoprivredu Ujedinjenih naroda / The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Pozvano predavanje / Invited lecture
12,30 – 13,00
EFSA’s role in the risk assessment of food supplements
Leonard Matijević, Europska agencija za sigurnost hrane / The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
Pozvano predavanje / Invited lecture
13,00 – 13,15
Rasprava / Discussion
13,15 – 14,15
Pauza za ručak / Lunch break
14,15 – 14,45
The challenges ahead
Biljana Borzan, Europski parlament / The European Parliament
Pozvano predavanje / Invited lecture
14,45 – 15,15
What does a Scientific Research Institute have to do with food?
dr. sc. David Matthew Smith, Institut Ruđer Bošković / Ruđer Bošković Institute
Pozvano predavanje / Invited lecture
15,15 – 15,45
Applied science for a more efficient food safety system
Dražen Knežević, Hrvatska agencija za poljoprivredu i hranu (HAPIH) / Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food (CAAF)
Pozvano predavanje / Invited lecture
15,45 – 16,00
Rasprava / Discussion
16,00 – 16,15
Pauza za kavu / Coffee break
Food Safety and Quality, “Safe Food, Today and Tomorrow”
Moderators: Jasmina Ranilović, Vesna Viher Hrženjak, Dario Lasić
Pozvana predavanja / Invited lectures
16,15 – 16,45
Experiences and challenges from the field of accreditation related to application of HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017
Ana Selak, Hrvatska akreditacijska agencija / Croatian Accreditation Agency
Pozvano predavanje / Invited lecture
16,45 – 17,15
Analytical Methods for Pesticide Residues in Food: Current Practices and Future Perspectives in the EU
prof. Amadeo Rodríguez Fernández-Alba, Sveučilište u Almeriji (UAL)/University of Almeria (UAL)
Pozvano predavanje / Invited lecture
17,15 – 17,45
Influence of fire from plastic processing factory on soil quality
prof. dr. sc. Ivica Kisić, Agronomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu/University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Pozvano predavanje / Invited lecture
17,45 – 18,00
GBO – Making a difference for life sci professionals
Agnieszka Molas-Kilianek, Application & Product Specialist CEE, Greiner Bio-One GmbH
Sponzorsko predavanje / Sponsored lecture
18,00 – 18,15
Rasprava / Discussion
Svečana večera / Gala dinner
PETAK 8. studenoga 2024. / FRIDAY, November 8th 2024
Naziv sekcije: 1. Chemical contaminants of food and analytical possibilities of their proof
Voditelji sekcije / Moderators: Nives Galić, Sanja Bijelović, Gordana Jurak
9,00 – 9,20
Dithiocarbamate residue analysis of fruit and vegetables – challenges for pesticide residue laboratories
Dr. Hubert Zipper, Referentni laboratorij Europske unije (EURL) / European Union Reference Laboratory (EURL)
9,20 – 9,35
Novel approach for determinin ochratoxin in complex spice matrices on HPLC/FLD instrument
Bojan Plavac
9,35 – 9,50
First comprehensive assessment of mycotoxin contamination in hops: a neglected risk for the brewing and pharmaceutical industries
Bojan Šarkanj
9,50 – 10,20
Innovative Shimadzu solutions in analytical food chemistry
Mirela Župan, Shimadzu d.o.o.
Sponzorsko predavanje / Sponsored lecture
10,20 – 10,35
qPCR detection of pathogens with an impact on food safety
Anja Perčić, mag. ing. zoot., NOACK & Co GmbH, Austria
Sponzorsko predavanje / Sponsored lecture
10,35 – 10,45
Rasprava / Discussion
10,45 – 11,15
O povijesti Poreča kroz vrijeme, kustos Zavičajnog muzeja Poreštine / About the history of Poreč through time, curator of the Local Museum of Poreština
11,15 – 11,45
Pauza za kavu / Coffee break
Naziv sekcije: 4. Food additives, nutrients, vitamins and dietary supplements
Voditelji sekcije / Moderators: Nives Galić, Josip Čulig, Jasna Bošnir
11,45 – 12,00
Exploring (MOSH) & MOAH, testing & evaluation
Thomaes Ruben, Eurofins Nizozemska / Eurofins Netherlands
12,00 – 12,15
Obesogenic chemicals in food and food contact materials
Vesna Viher Hrženjak
12,15 – 12,30
Use of a certain probiotics and postbiotics in the management of H. pylori infections
Josip Čulig
12,30 – 12,45
Hemp products – monitoring, legislation and analysis result
Iva Ladan
12,45 – 13,00
Association between the selected gerontological-public health indicators with the rate of malnutrition in nursing home residents
Nada Tomasović Mrčela
13,00 – 13,15
Chromatography and mass spectrometry in food analysis: challenges of perpetual chemicals — methods for detection and measurement of PFAS
Borna Ferčec, mag. ing. cheming., Sales Advisor – Liquid Chromatography & Mass Spectrometry, Altium International
Sponzorsko predavanje / Sponsored lecture
13,15 – 13,25
Rasprava / Discussion
13,25 – 14,15
Pauza za ručak / Lunch break
Naziv sekcije: 3. Microbiological challenges in food and feed production
Voditelji sekcije / Moderators: Muhamed Gladan, Ivana Ljevaković-Musladin, Ivančica Kovaček
14,15 – 14,35
Sanitation programs in the service of pathogen monitoring in the production facility
Tanja Dinić, Fortenova grupa d.d.
14,35 – 14,50
Enterotoxigenic potential of staphylococcus aureus isolates from domestic fresh cheese
Ivana Ljevaković-Musladin
14,50 – 15,05
Decontamination effect of organic acids against Yersinia enterocolitica 4/O:3 strains on pork cuts – a preliminary laboratory study
Marta Kiš
15,05 – 15,20
Natural preservation techniques: using essential oils to extend shelf life of cherry tomatoes
Elena Petrović
15,20 – 15,35
Food is not waste
dr. sc. Sanja Kolarić Kravar, Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i ribarstva / Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
15,35 – 15,50
How to meet high requirements for safety and hygiene in your own production in three simple steps?
Džulija Kraleva-Ivanova, Biokom Trendafilov Ltd.
Sponzorsko predavanje / Sponsored lecture
15,50 – 16,00
Rasprava / Discussion
16,00 – 16,30
Pauza za kavu / Coffee break
16,15 – 17,30
Razgledavanje i ocjena postera / Posters viewing and evaluation
17,30 – 18,45
Round table: Reduction of food waste and its donation system
Moderator: Izv. prof. dr. sc. Jasna Bošnir, dipl. san. Ing, Nastavni zavod za javno zdravstvo „Dr. Andrija Štampar“
Sudionici / Participanats:
Marija Batinić Sermek, dipl. ing. preh. teh, voditeljica Službe za kvalitetu hrane i informiranje o hrani, Ministarstvo poljoprivrede, šumarstva i ribarstva / Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries;
doc. dr. sc. Jasmina Ranilović, dipl. ing., direktor projekata i primijenjenih istraživanja, Podravka d.d.;
Ana Marija Crnić, dipl. ing., Gradski ured za socijalnu zaštitu, zdravstvo, branitelje i osobe s invaliditetom, Grad Zagreb / City of Zagreb;
Alen Župan, mag. soc. gerontologije, ravnatelj, Ustanova „Dobri dom“ Grada Zagreba / Institution “Dobri dom” of the City of Zagreb
18,45 – 19,00
Proglašenje najboljeg postera / Best poster award
SUBOTA 9. studenoga 2024. / SATURDAY, November 9th 2024
Naziv sekcije: 5. Safety of materials and articles that come into contact with food
Voditelji sekcije / Moderators: Ivona Vidić Štrac, Andreja Zorič, Lidija Barušić
9,00 – 9,15
Safety of metals and alloys used in food contact materials: SRL, SML, coatings and regulatory framework
Lidija Baričević
9,15 – 9,30
Biobased materials that substitute single use plastics (SUP) for direct contact with food
Nino Dimitrov
9,30 – 9,45
Phytotoxic effects of polystyrene and polymethyl methacrylate microplastics on the floating freshwater plant Lemna minor
Biljana Balen
9,45 – 10,00
Novel non-thermal techniques in food processing: benefits and drawbacks
Nadica Maltar-Strmečki
10,00 – 10,30
Mass spectrometry in food analytics – Challenges and solutions
Sanja Đekić, specijalist za aplikativnu podršku, Analysis d.o.o.
Sponzorsko predavanje / Sponsored lecture
10,30 – 10,35
Rasprava / Discussion
10,35 – 10,45
Pauza za kavu / Coffee break
Naziv sekcije: 2. Food quality, adulterated detection and food technology innovations
Voditelji sekcije / Moderators: Renata Baličević, Nadica Maltar-Strmečki, Nataša Mikulec
10,45 – 11,00
Determination of cheese ripening with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and rapid spectroscopy (NIR) methods
Nataša Mikulec
Pozvano predavanje / Invited lecture
11,00 – 11,15
How can the relationship between volatile compounds and sensory properties improve the determination of virgin olive oil quality?
Karolina Brkić Bubola
11,15 – 11,30
Determining the geographical origin of olive oils from the Croatian coast through the distribution of selected metals – the project “Food safety and quality control center” KK.
Adela Krivohlavek
11,30 – 11,45
Product certification for consumer trust
Vlatka Šćetarić, DNV Adriatica d.o.o.
Sponzorsko predavanje / Sponsored lecture
11,45 – 12,00
Rasprava / Discussion
Zatvaranje kongresa / Closing of the congress
Program je podložan izmjenama.
Prezentacije postera:
Cijelo vrijeme trajanja kongresa
Ocjena postera:
8. 11. 2024. od 16,15 do 17,30 sati